Oak Tree Private Investigations

State and Federal Trial Defense, Intel and Consulting.

Contact us today!

918-906-2900   7107 S. Yale Ave #307   Tulsa, OK 74136

Panic Button Podcast 


Follow the Panic Button Podcast link above for details on this developing case and the decision to place the June 26 launch on hold. Info at link. 

To take action, please make a donation to OKACLJ and help them find the killer(s). Visit the link below:

Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice | Kindful

In 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down their decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma.

The justices held that crimes involving Native Americans on tribal lands may be prosecuted by either the tribal authorities or the federal government, and not just the state government.

Beginning with "The Five Tribes", the SCOTUS observed that under binding treaties from the 1800's, much of Oklahoma (Indian Territory) should legally be considered sovereign reservation lands.

As time has progressed this area has grownthrough federal court rulingsto encompass the sovereign reservations of 9 Indian tribes in Oklahoma.

More tribal lands are sure to be added to this growing number.

Your Clients deserve the Best Defense Team! At Oak Tree, we live for Discovery Review.

As a case progresses, the truth should be in the Discovery and Evidence provided by the prosecution. Often for various reasons, important information or documents are either missing or buried in piles of unnecessary or duplicate items. We are Production Review Experts and we will find the truth!

Based in the heart of Indian Country, Oak Tree Private Investigations helps numerous attorneys and defense teams from across the United States and outlying territories defend their clients in state and federal court utilizing decades of law enforcement and investigatory experience serving the public.

OTPI helps you and your clients navigate local customs and culture, the multiple complexities of tribal governments and services, shifting statuses of court rulings and jurisdictional issues, state and federal record gathering, geography, current events and more.

How can Oak Tree Private Investigations help you today?

Experienced in State and Federal Trial Defense Investigations (including Capital Cases), Domestic Violence Victim Protection, Trained Medical +EMR, Technological Surveillance Detection, Intel, Background Checks and more.

Call us at 918-906-2900 or email teater@oaktreepi.com for more information.
